Event date: 2024-10-15
A workshop on digitalisation in large organisations, with Staffan Nordenstråle, the Head of IT and Digitalisation Director at Volvo Real Estate. The workshop will take place at KTH Dig-IT Lab, Teknikringen 10b room Sahara. On the ground floor, first door to the left, 13:00-16:00 on the 15th of October.
The overarching goal of Dig-IT Lab is to reduce CO2-emissions in our buildings. To achieve this, actors in the business need to collaborate in order to understand the challenges and opportunities of digitalisation. Our goal within Task Force Education is, among other things, to aid your collaborators in finding ways of maintaining competence that reduces the gap between theory and practice. Now we need your help! We therefore invite you to this workshop where you get the opportunity to express your organisations digitalisation challenges and good examples as well as listen in on others experiences on the subject. Which questions do you want answered by others in the business?
We start our workshop with an inspiration lecture from the inside of Volvo Real Estate, in which Staffan Nordenstråle speaks on his journey within the company and how to get co-workers onboard the digitalisation train. How has Volvo worked with co-workers competence maintenance and within what areas?
Register here: https://www.kth.se/form/66d1ac8af48d4dd146d2c190
Staffan Nordenstråle has experiences from building and developing shared services centers within HR and finance within two multinational corporations. Roles as project manager (for establishing sites, developing pricing models and service level agreements and new operating models etc), manager operational development, controller, key account manager, member of executive management team. Has been taking part in establishing centers in Sweden, France, Poland, and USA. Specialties: Operational development, project management, SSC pricing models, SSC operating model, service level agreements. Responsible for the entire IT portfolio, data privacy and driving the digitalization journey. Volvo Group Real Estate is one of the biggest real estate companies with over 7 million SQM in 60 countries.