Dig-IT Lab Ontologies workshop: Normalisation and open standards are key to scalability
A workshop focusing on how ontologies can be applied in practice, with presentations of case studies from Dig-IT Lab partners.
A workshop focusing on how ontologies can be applied in practice, with presentations of case studies from Dig-IT Lab partners.
Välkomna till ett öppet samtal i syfte att bidra med insikter till Byggandets Kontraktskommitté (BKK), som kan möjliggöra framtidens smarta och hållbara byggnader.
Dig-IT Lab is a competence centre, jointly founded by Vinnova, KTH and industry, aiming at reducing the environmental impact of buildings through digitalisation. We promote collaboration with academia, industry, and related research centres worldwide to accelerate the transformation of data collected from buildings into tangible impact.
Dig-IT Lab 2024