”Diggin Discussions” focusing on shared experiences

Dig-IT lab regularly organises discussions for its partners. These “Diggin Discussions” have topics spanning from results of research projects to our common challenges regarding digititalisation and sustainability in the built environment.

Every Diggin Discussion has a new theme, often introduced by a presentation. Some of these presentations that are of general interest will be available here on the website – like this presentation on different perspectives on digital twins.

Perspectives on digital twins: White box digital twins

Hear Dig-IT Lab co-director Marco Molinari introduce the concepts of ”digital model”, ”digital shadow” and ”digital twin” on a Diggin discussion in April. In this short presentation he illustrates applications of digital twins to fault detection and machine learning in buildings and highlights current challenges and opportunities of white box digital twins in buildings.  

Digital twins

Read more about the ongoing projects in Dig-IT Lab’s research theme Digital twins

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